Once Upon a Time “Save Henry”

Spoilers ahead.

The theme of this weeks episode is “Oh my God, my FEELS.”

After this episode, if there is any doubt in your mind that Regina loves Henry, you need to re-evaluate your life.



The Good:


– Damn Lana Parrilla deserves all the awards. I know I say it all the time, but there’s a reason for that, she is amazing and completely rocked this episode. Regina’s speech to Emma about how Henry is all she has was heartbreaking. Regina and the scenes with baby Henry tugged at the heartstrings (I’m not going over all of them, cause that’s like a third of the episode). Regina making a potion to forget that Henry’s birth mother is the Savior? Probably one of the only selfless acts we’ve seen Regina do, outside of saving Snow. She did that for Henry. Basically Regina is just there to make you cry and feel things. She’s also there to look absolutely stunning. Somehow after this episode, I love Regina more. I don’t know how that is even possible.

– “I need a child, Gold.” “I’m flattered, but I’m not interested.” “Not like that!” Love Regina and Gold interaction.

– We find out that Regina could leave Storybrooke without consequence, which makes sense as she cast the curse and has no cursed identity.

– Regina in all her badassery who was just like I’m over this shit and broke free of the vines tying her to the tree and just ripping out Pan’s heart (I know it’s technically Henry’s heart, but you know what I mean). It also just goes to show you that Regina is the only one who can get shit done. She is literally the only reason they saved Henry.

– Rumple with is little singsongy rhyme-y thing when in the vault.


– I guess Regina is lucky that Gold found the one adoption agency that has a pretty quick turnaround time. Also one that doesn’t seem to run extensive background checks. Unless the curse she cast was THAT thorough.

– John and Michael were lucky that that agency also had no problem with gay couples adopting. Although I’m not entirely sure how them posing as a couple worked. But whatever.

– I am so glad they gave Regina alone time with Henry on the ship.

– When Gold put Pan in the box and both Henry’s and Pan’s eyes glowed, it reminded me of the Buffy episode where Xander was possessed.

– Wendy giving Tink the pixie dust and Tink that she believes in her. She’s only the second person to do so. WE BELIEVE IN YOU TOO TINKER BELL!

– I love that everyone’s reaction to baby Henry spitting up on Regina and his constant crying, was to say that he was obnoxious from day one.



The Bad:


– I get that Emma is a “lost girl” and knows what it’s like to be an orphan, but me thinks her plan to bring all of the lost boys to Storybrooke, is not a good one. She at least should have consulted her wife. What is she going to do with them? Put them up in the “Emma Swan Home for Lost Boys?”

– So losing patience for the Neal and Hook crap. Take it out and measure and just stop!

– I’m a bit confused why, after all they had been through, anyone would let Henry out of their sight.

– I didn’t really care much about the Rumple and Bae stuff. Blah blah, they’re on good terms, blah, blah, he called him “Papa.” Over it.

– I really wasn’t interested in Charming’s “good job, you lead us” speech to Emma. Especially since once again, Regina was called a Villain. I think she gets a free pass for freaking SAVING HENRY.

– I’m a little upset Regina didn’t capitalize on the opportunity to throw Snow, Charming, and Neal overboard. I would add Henry in there, but I don’t think she’d go for that.



The Ugly:


– Snow seriously prioritized Gold in a box and Charming not being able to leave the island over Henry. WTF. And then she’s all, I’m going with you to get Pan, not because I want Pan or anything, I just want to spend time with my daughter cause I’ll be stuck on the island. Go home Snow. Or rather go find your shack with Charming.

– Neal and his whole, I’m going to be there for you now, “you have a dad now.” Heteronormativity anyone? He doesn’t NEED a dad, not everyone has or needs a mom and a dad. Regina did a good job for 11 years as a single parent. She and Emma would be more than enough.




The Subtexty:


– Swan Queen- Emma’s hurt “our son.” Emma stopped Regina from ripping out Felix’s heart, Regina actually listened. They were tied to the tree together, and once again Snow was a third wheel. The look Emma gives Regina after she frees herself and rips Pans’ heart out. The moment between Henry and his two mommies when Regina puts his heart back. Emma looking to Regina to set the shadow free and everything.

– Fairy Queen- That little moment between Tinker Bell and Regina, on the boat. Tink tells Regina she knew she still had good in her. Tink’s belief made the pixie dust all glow-y.



What I’m looking forward to/what I hope to see:


– Storybrooke. Looking forward to be back

– Curious to see if Pan is more creepy or less creepy while in Henry’s body. I’m hoping that we get a break from Peter Pan and the obnoxious eyebrows.

– I will cut a bitch if they start up with the persecuting Regina again. She did a shit ton of good. Except I won’t really harm anyone cause I’m not up with the threatening people.. But my point is a valid one.

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1 Response to Once Upon a Time “Save Henry”

  1. Pingback: Once Upon A Time Season 3, Episode 9 Recap: “Save Henry” and Finally Leave Neverland | Jersey Meets Country

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